How to generate a PIC PWM using an interrupt.
Some PIC Microcontrollers have built in PWM internal
peripherals that are easy to set up and use and once initialized will
continue running on their own. All you do is send data to the duty cycle
register to change the pulse width.
Sometimes you need a Pulse Width Modulation signal because either the device
does not have an internal PWM peripheral or you need an extra one.
This page shows you how to add a software controlled interrupt driven PWM
There are two methods presented - the first uses one timer and does not have as
good performance as the second. The second uses two timers but has extremely
good performance. Which one you use depends on
The key to creating a PIC PWM is to use an interrupt from one of the timers
which is used as the resolution timer for the PWM period. In the example
below Timer 0 is used as the resolution timer and has a frequency of 33kHz or a
period of 30us.
Note:This is not the PWM frequency. It is
just the period of one step of the pwm.
Although 20 steps does not sound a lot if you use it as a light dimmer its more
than enough. It depends on the application you are using. The final output
has a frequency of:
PIC PWM Interrupt: Frequency =
(Timer Frequency/No. steps)
so here Frequency = 1.65kHz
This example is from a 16F88 running an internal oscillator at 8MHz.
void init_timer (void) {
// Timer 0 initialize
OPTION_REG = 0x00 | (1<<7);// | (1<<3);
// Timer 0 interrupt enable
// Osc off, Internal clk, On, zero T0IF,
// Enable global interrupts
INTCON = (1<<T0IE) | (1<<GIE);
Here is the code for the PIC PWM interrupt:
void interrupt(void) {
// Timer 0
if (INTCON & (1<<T0IF) ) { // T0 overflowed ?
INTCON &= ~(1<<T0IF); // clear timer0 overflow bit.
TMR0 = 228; // 30us
This code is called from the interrupt to do the PWM action.
Depending on the value set in pwm_val the output will be turned on for a set
number of periods and when the period couinter
void do_pwm(void) {
if (time>20) time=0;
if (time<pwm_val)
With this method a timer is operated in quite a fast mode and this means the ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) has to be very small. Since interrupts are firing fast the main code can also not be very big.
With this method you will not be able to get a lot of processing done at all.
There are three functions involved:
The first two routines setup and control the hardware timer to generate an approximate 30us update time.
The last rountine creates the PWM signal output and limits the timervalue for restart.
When you put everything in an interrupt code - the whole thing can get huge as in big code systems you have to do alot of different interrupts to service.
There is a trade off between how much the microcontroller is asked to do outside the interrupt and the size of the interrupt (including called subroutines). As you must allow enough time between interrupts for the processor to do its 'main' job.
In this example if a 16F88 is used with a 8MHz internal oscillator that means 0.5us per instruction so there is a maximum of 30/0.5 = 60 instructions that can be executed before another interrupt fires (and that includes the ISR code as well..
You probably have about 40 instructions before another interrupt comes along since you have to execute the ISR instructions and the code that saves registers and restores them before and after the interrupt (~20 instructions?). You can find out exactly by examining the code assembly output.
The method below shows use of two timers which reduces the processing burden.
If you do not have an internal PWM module then this method can give an
accurate (high resolution) output without using up too much processor
It works by using the first timer as the PWM frequency generator. This then
loads up the second timer with a time that is the period of the required pulse
It does this by calculating the number of timer clock cycles that result in the
required period (which you set from within the program elsewhere).
A timer usually generates an interrupt when it reaches zero (having passed
through the highest value) so all you do is work out the period in timer clock
cycles (n) and subtract this value from the largest value that the timer can
have (max-n). So when the timer starts counting up from this value it rolls
over to zero having counted n clock cycles.
When the first timer interrupts you set the PWM output high and when
the second timer interrupts you set the PWM output low. This creates a high
resolution PWM PIC Interrupt driven signal without consuming processing
Here's the code for the PIC PWM Interrupt generator that implements the high
resolution method using Timer 0 as the frequency generator (here 1/18ms) and
Timer 1 as the period timer (resolution Fosc/4).
Note: For different resolutions change the
Timer 1 prescalers etc.
This example is from an 12F675 running at 4MHz (internal).
void interrupt(void) {
unsigned int val;
// Timer 0
if (INTCON & (1<<T0IF) ) { // T0 overflowed ?
INTCON &= ~(1<<T0IF); // clear timer0 overflow bit.
// Fosc/4 x (Prescale) x (count to overflow) = repeat rate.
// 1us x 128 x
140 = 18ms repeat rate.
TMR0 = 256-143; // need 141 but looses TMR0 looses 2 so use 142
time++; // Count 18ms periods for general use.
// Now set up timer1 as a 1 shot timer
// Set overflow for Timer 1
val = 65535-servoVal;
// Use these vars for reporting debug
st_TMR1L = val & 0x00ff;
st_TMR1H = (val & 0xff00)>>8;
TMR1H = st_TMR1H; // set high 1st so does not overflow
TMR1L = st_TMR1L;
st_val = val;
// Enable Timer 1.- every Timer 0 interrupt or 18ms = 1 shot.
PIE1 |= (1<<TMR1IE);
GPIO |= (1<<SERVO_BIT); // Set Servo on
// Timer 1
if (PIR1 & (1<<TMR1IF) ) {
PIR1 &= ~(1<<TMR1IF); // Clear flag.
GPIO &= ~(1<<SERVO_BIT); // Reset servo
INTCON |= (1<<T0IE); // Enable Timer 0.
// Note GIE set by RETFIE instruction (see assembler output).
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