An Ultrasonic distance meter project using a Seven Segment display and a
PIC micro.
The PIC Ultrasonic distance meter works by transmitting a short pulse of
sound at a frequency inaudible to the ear (ultrasonic sound or ultrasound).
Afterwards the microcontroller listens for an echo with the help of a few
transistors and a comparator.
The time from transmission to echo reception lets you calculate
the distance from the object.
PIC Ultrasonic Distance Meter: Specification
~5cm - 300cm (approx.)
Transducer frequency
Internal oscillator frequency
Transistor Design
The project uses 5 standard NPN transistors. Three are used as
amplifiers in self bias mode to amplify the received signal from the sensor,
and two are used as a darlington pair to transmit with higher current output to
the transmitter.
A comparator is used to detect the threshold echo detection
level - so there are no special components other than the microcontroller and
the ultrasonic TX/RX modules which are standard 40kHz types.
Note: As you approach 300cm it is more difficult to receive
a reflected signal so the practical range is probably nearer 200cm. The SR04
unit will perform better since it uses higher gain opamps.
This ultrasonic distance meter circuit is experimental and
educational since you can buy ready made modules such as the HC-SR04 which are
undoubtedly convenient - you supply a pulse trigger and they provide a distance
(pulse width coded). These are quick and very easy to use but do not
demonstrate what is going on.
This design uses external components, comparators and
transistors to achieve the same result.
The 16F88 also has a built in comparator and reference level
generator which would save components but this design can be used with any
microcontroller that has a capture module. It is probably possible to use it
with a 16F84 using some careful coding for time measurement.
Note: To use opamps you should use 3 with each set to a
gain of 10 to give an overall x1000 gain (if using 324 types). If you choose a
more capable opamp such as a modern rail-to-rail MCP301 or MPC302 then you can
get away with less (due to the GBP being higher).
Design Notes
Note that the internal oscillator of the PIC micro is used
and this saves two pins - that can be used as normal I/O pins.
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16F88 (retargetable to other PICs that have a CCP module).
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hex file.
Note: Check your email for the project code download link.
You can recompile the project files if you want
examine code operation (using the built in simulator) or change the source
code. Note the hex file is contained in the download so you do not have the
recompile the source code.
PIC Ultrasonic Distance: How it works
The time from transmission of the pulse to reception of the
echo is the time taken for the sound energy to travel through the air to the
object and back again.
Since the speed of sound is constant through air measuring the
echo reflection time lets you calculate the distance to the object using the
DST equation :
Distance = (s * t)/2 (in metres)
You need to divide by 2 as the distance is the round trip
distance i.e. from transmitter to object and back again.
s [m/s]
the speed of sound in air
t [s]
the round
trip echo time.
Some delay times:
Round trip echo time
t = 588us
t = 5.8ms
Note: The speed of sound in air is more or less constant at
330m/s (@ 0ºC) - it varies mainly with temperature (~340m/s @ 20ºC). In this
project I am using a value of 340m/s i.e. it is assumed that the project is
used indoors. You can change it to whatever you like by modifying the
You can get ultrasonic transducers optimized for 25kHz, 32kHz,
40kHz or wide bandwidth transducers. This project uses a 40kHz transducer but
it will still work with the others if you make simple changes to the software.
The receiver and generator circuits will work as they are.
Note: If you use a different transducer you must change the
software to generate the correct frequency for the transducer as they only work
at their specific operating frequency.
The 40kz signal is easily generated by the microcontroller but
detection requires a sensitive amplifier. I have used a three transistor
amplifier for the receiver.
This is followed by a peak detector and comparator which sets
the sensitivity threshold so that false reflections (weaker signals) are
CCP - Capture mode
This project makes use of the CCP module (in its capture mode)
to accurately measure the signal reception time at the CCP port pin. When a
signal triggers the CCP module the value of timer 1 is stored in a CCP register
(or captured).
If you store the value of timer 1 and then enable the CCP after
transmitting an ultrasound pulse the CCP will trigger when the comparator
activates i.e. as soon as an ultrasonic echo is received.
Subtracting the stored value from the CCP register value gives
the time delay in machine cycles. Since the project uses a 4MHz main clock then
the time delay will be measured in micro-seconds.
PIC Ultrasonic Distance Meter: Practical
The minimum distance of this scheme is about 5cm. Looking at
the output of the first receiver amplifier shows a that it should be more
accurate at lower distances - it is inaccurate by about 2cm which is still
quite good. Probably the addition of amplifiers for the longer range stops
accurate short range operation.
The maximum distance is limited by the sensitivity, gain and
noise performance of the receive amplifier and also the transmit power and
duration of transmission.
For this circuit the maximum distance is about 3m.
PIC ultrasonic distance meter circuit diagram.
(Click diagram to open a pdf).
The previous design incorrectly used RA5 as output and it is the MCLRn pin that
can only be used as an input. So RA5 drive to the seven segment was removed and
the DP pin (Decimal Point) is left unconnected. RA6 and RA7 were moved up one 7
segment drive position.
You can use any PIC microcontroller that has an internal CCP
module and enough memory to hold the program and program the PIC in circuit
through the ICSP
The circuit uses a three transistor amplifier and a two
transistor output driver and it can be constructed out of standard component).
The comparator is a well known M311 type (you could even use an opamp as a
comparator, with suitable circuit changes, as this system is not particularly
high speed).
PIC Ultrasonic Distance Meter hardware block diagram
Transistor Amplifiers
First of all why use them?
I wanted to see what you could do using only transistors and it seems that
you can do quite well i.e. the system works to the same distance as other
designs using op-amps.
Of course when using op-amps�you can achieve lower power operation and use
less components.
Transistor amplifier design
The first two transistor amplifiers use standard biasing to set the output
at the collector in the middle of the supply. If you look at the dc conditions
the two (100k) input bias resistors across 5V to 0V set the input bias point at
2.5V. When the Vbe voltage is dropped across the transistor's emitter junction
the voltage at the emitter is Vbias - 0.6 (approx 2V). So the emitter current
=2/2k2 ~ 1mA. Ic=Ie. So the dc bias point is 5V-IcRc 2.7k*1mA ~ 2.5V.
The AC gain of these transistors is RC over RE (but at AC the
capacitor has impedance of 40Ohms at 40kHz) so the effective Re is the
intrinsic transistor emitter resistance (re~25ohms) plus the impedance of the
capacitor (re is temperature dependent). So the gain is 2k7/65 ~ 40. If used at
different temperatures you will get some gain variation.
The last transistor uses fixed biasing to set the bias point.
For a more stable amplifier (less affected by Beta variation) use the same
amplifier as the other two. I have just used it to see how it works as it can
be seen quite often in other circuits and it seems to work well. It will
however be dependent on the exact transistor used (its Beta value) and it will
also be dependent on temperature - which will both affect its bias point and
The comparator is setup as a standard circuit will a small
amount of hysteresis (to stop oscillation if the input changes slightly) - the
1M ohm feeds back to set the hysteresis level.
PIC Ultrasonic distance meter: Setup
PIC Ultrasonic Distance Meter: Oscilloscope
Using an oscilloscope monitor the signals RB3 and RB0. Use RB3
as the trigger as this is the signal that regularly generates the ultrasound.
RB0 is the detected echo.
Set the output of the comparator (RB0) low by turning preset
VR2 fully in one direction. Point the transducers at an object at about 1 metre
away and turn the preset until a signal appears (at about 6ms after RB3).
PIC Ultrasonic Distance Meter: Manual setup
Set the output of the comparator (RB0) low by turning preset
VR2 fully in one direction. Point the transducers at an object at about 1 metre
away and turn the preset until a the display generates '100' (approx).
Move the board back and forwards to check that it displays a
larger and then smaller number. Check the longer distance e.g. point at the
ceiling and then a closer object e.g. a wall 20-50cm away. Adjust the preset as
PIC Ultrasonic distance
meter: Improvements
You could remove the comparator and use the internal analogue
comparator but this would require more software to set the comparator level. It
would require 'Up' and 'Down' buttons to control the level settings or an
algorithm could change the levels to find the optimum threshold.
With a temperature sensor you could change the value used for
the speed of sound (currently fixed at 340m/s for 20�C operation i.e.
indoors!). This would make the PIC Ultrasonic distance meter more accurate in
different environments.
Piezo elements also generate more output when a higher voltage is applied so
using a voltage doubling circuit would increase the range of the unit. Also
using a negative voltage generator and doubler would increase the overall
voltage across the transducer output.
This contains all the code except the bit manipulation routines
found in bit.h.
It enters a continuous a continuous loop calling ulta_gen - the
routine that generates the ultrasound at 40kHz.
The ultra_gen routine is set up using the simulator to set the
timing of the output signal for a period of 25us (40kHz). This is then repeated
every 40ms. The required refresh rate of the seven segment display is 20ms so
the display update routine (seg_display_int) is called twice over the 40ms
period. (I should really say that the display update routine takes 20ms and
calling this twice creates the total 40ms delay).
The display relies on persistence of vision to make it appear
that the display is not flickering - a refresh rate of 50Hz or more does the
job ( 1/50Hz = 20ms).
In theory the maximum distance that you could measure is
40ms*340m = (13.6) 6.8m (half the round trip time delay ) but in practice this
is limited by the signal conditioning circuits. If they were changed you could
get more range.
If a capture occurs indicated by gCapInt then the DST
calculation is performed and the value of variable val is updated. val is the
value displayed by the seven segment display routine 'seg_display_int' so val
is continuously refreshed to the seven segment display.
PIC Ultrasonic Distance Meter: Interrupts
The interrupt routine is only enabled when required and when
the capture occurs (if it does) only the first capture is stored - so that
later reflections are ignored (by resetting gCapOn).
The first reflection should be the strongest and therefore the
closest object. When captured the variables t_capL,t_capH and t_capO are set to
the value of the capture register which will be the value of timer 1 when the
capture module triggered.
At the moment I have not used t_capO (and should do so) as it
accounts for the roll over when timer 1 overflows. All that happens is that
occasionally (when an overflow occurs) the wrong value will be generated - for
hand held use it is not noticeable at all.
Code operation
1. generate ultrasound at
40kHz (a few pulses of a square wave) to the TX
2. Turn on receiver.
3. Count time from end of
40kHz pulses to start of reception of reflected ultrasound
4. Ultrasound takes a set time
to travel through air (varies mainly with temperature)
5. Apply D=SxT (Distance,
Speed, Time)
You know the time taken
the round trip - the capture module is started at the end of the TX
pulse this just counts pulses of timer1 until it receives an input. When
it does
-the capture interrupt makes the program jump the interrupt routine when
current captured time is stored in:
t_capL = CCPR1L;
t_capH = CCPR1H;
t_capO = T1_O;
variable gCapInt = 1; //
signal that a capture occurred.
indicates to the main program that an echo was captured
This is where the distance is calculated
calc = ((s1)<<8)+s2;
change to 16 bit number
Multiply by 340 m/s
to get cm divide by 100.
divide by 2 to get half the complete round trip delay
so calc * (340/100)/2
i.e. calc * 340/200
But I have 4 digits and only want to display on the right 3
so use another divide by 10 to shift the digits along 1 to the
Final calculation is
calc * (((340/100)/2)/10) the
same as 340/2000
But you don't want to do this
calculation all at once if using only
integers as it will overflow so its split into 2 pieces
calc = calc * 34;
calc = calc / 2000;
i.e. its the same as calc *
340/2000 but does not
overflow the calc integer store.
The variable val is assigned
the calculated value
and then automatically displayed on the 7segments.
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